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Healing For Israel

We are bringing Healing for Israel by offering trauma care therapy to the pastors, leaders, soldiers and people of Israel who are suffering from the debilitating impact of war, death, and injury to provide true physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Our trained and screened international team of care providers will deploy to the people of the Holy Land as your generous giving provides care, person by person and family by family.

Our Mission

On October 7th, 2023 Shirel Golan was at the Nova Music Festival with a large group of friends. Eleven of her friends died that day in a horrific terrorist attack that devasted the nation of Israel.  Nearly a year later, unable to cope with the trauma, on her 22nd birthday, Shirel took her own life. Her family blamed the government for not providing enough resources, but we know that ultimately true hope will only be found in the Lord.   

There are so many in Israel suffering, as Shirel did, with intense PTSD as a directly result of the October 7th attacks and consequent war. There simply are not enough resources to help. Healing For Israel’s mission is to mobilize trauma care to those who need it most, starting with community leaders, pastors, and leaders. When we give leaders the treatment and tools they need, they in turn help those in their care by shepherding them and pointing them to vital resources.  

Trauma counseling is not a replacement for the Gospel, but it is a valuable tool in helping people overcome barriers. During the Messiah’s ministry, He healed physical and spiritual ailments displaying His power and showing He was the Savior. There is a desperate need for care, treatment and healing, and the time is now for solutions centered on Jesus Christ as the true source of hope and healing.

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Who We Are

Healing For Israel is the compassion outreach of the of The Global Mission, a faith based 501c3 nonprofit organization focused on bringing the Gospel to those who have never heard. We have ongoing ministry in the United States, Haiti, Israel, Mexico, South Asia and around the world. Our work in Haiti has considerable experience providing trauma care for orphans and families who have been the victims of violence and extreme poverty. We have seen first-hand the life changing effects of trauma counseling, especially when unleashed with the healing power of the Gospel. 

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